Music Monday - The Soundtrack of My Summer 2K12

9:10 PM

"There is something very special about the summer. There is magic in the air." 

     This was told to me by one of my best friends last year right around this time, and I totally agree. Summer is hands down my favorite season even though, living in Florida, it's pretty much summer year-round. The days are hotter (no one can side-eye you for wearing your skimpiest), and the nights are longer, which means more time to spend living it up with those you love.
     Last year had to have been the best summer of my life. The bond I had with my friends was at an all-time high, and the amount of fucks I gave was at an all-time low. Our days consisted of: waking up mid-day, cooking breakfeast like something from an episode of Epic Meal Time, and recapping the drama and shenanigans from the night before. When the sun went down, we would get pretty and start calling everyone in the tri-county area for another night of madness. If there wasn't a party to go to, we made one. This was literally an everyday thing.
     I don't recommend doing a lot of the things I did last year, and looking back on it, I was being stupid as fuck and put my own life in danger so many times. However, I wouldn't take a moment of it back. I am who I am today partly because of all the laughing/crying/drama/fun/partying of last year. 
     Something I lived for was taking control of the music at parties, and I soon acquired the nickname 'DJ-CJ' among my friends. 

     This playlist sounds something like the summer of 2012.

I want to say thank you to everyone who had a part of that summer, because now, you are a part of me.


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