About Snaggy

6:59 AM

I am frequently being asked about
my whereabouts this past summer.
Well, I write to you today
so you no longer have to wonder.
Imagine a place where
people simply got along.
Where strangers thrived
on helping strangers,
and the community was strong.
We smiled almost constantly,
but were serious when we needed to be.
We had wild conversations,
and sometimes had to agree
to disagree.
But one topic we could all agree on
was our lust for life,
and knowing that even in moments
of darkness
there is always light.
We adventured all day,
made music into the night,
and challenged our bodies and minds
with friendly fights.
We were a group
surviving, thriving, and reviving
an old way of life.
We did things we never thought we would
because we didn't know if we'd get to do them twice.
I am back home where it is sunny and warm,
but to you, I think I'll warn:
I cannot stop thinking about
those summer days
spent on Snaggy Mountain Farm.

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